The premier lighting, grip, and camera rental establishment for Kansas City
3 Ton Expendables
Open Rolls
1 Full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 CTB (roll of each)
1 Full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 CTO (roll of each)
1 N3, N6, N9 (roll of each)
1 CTO N6
1 Full, 1/2, 1/4, Plus Green (roll of each)
1 Full, 1/2, 1/4, Minus Green (roll of each)
1 Opal, 216, 250, 251(roll of each)
1 Brushed Silk
1 Hampshire Frost
1 460 Quiet Grid
1 Heat shield
1 270 Lee Scrim
1 48" & 72" trace paper (roll of each)
8 Assorted sheets of theatrical gels
6 4' X 8' white/white Foamcore
2 4' X 8' black/white Foamcore
2 4' X 8' black/black Foamcore
6 Black/white art cards
6 Gold cards
6 Silver cards
1 Bag of black cloth pieces
1 Roll of Duvetyne (54" x approx. 20')
1 Assorted tape roll includes: 2" black, white
& grey gaffer tape, 2" black paper tape
1 Roll of ATG tape
1 Safety Tunnel Tape
1 Can of spray mount
1 Can of dulling spray
1 Can of WD40
1 Baby powder
3 Cans of Streaks 'n' Tips (black, white, silver)
1 Roll of Black Wrap - 12"
1 Roll of Black Wrap - 24"
1 Roll of aluminium foil
1 Can of clothes pins
2 50' #8 sash cord
4 100' #8 sash cord
1 Grip chain roll
1 Roll of paper towel
1 Bottle of Armour All
1 Bottle of Windex
1 Box of garbage bags
1 Roll of black plastic
1 Armature wire
2 4' X 8' X 3/4" plywood
2 4' X 8' X 1/4" Masonite
2 1" X 4" X 8' lumber
2 2" X 2" X 8' lumber
2 2" X 4" X 8' lumber
Photo Floods
3 211 75W 3000°K
3 212 150W 3000°K
3 213 250W 3400°K
3 BBA 250W 3400°K
2 EBV 500W 3400°K
3 BCA 250W 4800°K
2 EBW 500W 4800°K
Household 40W/100W
Open Filter Rolls
Color temperature correction (7.00/ft )
Diffusion (7.00/ft )
Theatrical gel sheets (21"X24") (7.00/ea)
Heat shield (14.00/ft)
Paper Products
48" trace paper (2.00/ft )
72" trace paper (3.00/ft )
4' X 8' white & white Foamcore (22.00/ea)
4' X 8' black & white Foamcore (32.00/ea)
4' X 8' black & black Foamcore (26.00/ea)
Black/white art card (8.00/ea)
Gold card (hard or soft) (8.00/ea)
Silver card (hard or soft) (8.00/ea)
Other Expendables
Duvetyne (per linear foot) (4.00/ft)
Black Wrap, 12" (2.00/ft)
Black Wrap, 24" (4.00/ft)
50' #8 sash cord (8.75/ea)
100' #8 sash cord (13.50/ea)
Safety Tape (1.00/ft)
Prices subject to change.
Expendables billed on a usage basis.